Healthy Weight for Men

Healthy cooking with herbs and tomatoes

In the realm of weight management, men and women have unique nutritional requirements and goals. Our dietitian Normund Barons, RD, is here to work with you on developing a tailored weight loss strategy using proven mindful eating techniques while accommodating your lifestyle to help you reach your goals.

Explore our variety of services, such as in-person consultations at Calmer Clinics in Pimlico, central London, or opt for the convenience of online sessions via Zoom. Take advantage of our all-encompassing plans crafted by a registered dietitian to guide you on your weight loss journey and equip you with the tools for lasting transformation.

Let's kick this off!

Almonds in a bowl
Man in a kitchen with healthy protein foods

Facts for men about weight

Body image

Men strive for a muscular, athletic physique. They don’t like to be "skinny".

Fat Distribution

Men tend to carry more weight around their midsections, or "belly fat"


Low testosterone levels can lead to decreased muscle mass and increased body fat levels.


Men have a faster metabolism than women, which means they burn more calories faster. This is good news (for men).

Fat Distribution

When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, it's essential to understand how body fat is distributed. For men, fat tends to accumulate around the midsection, commonly known as "belly fat." This type of fat is not only unsightly but also harmful to your health. Belly fat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even some types of cancer.

However, by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and cutting back on alcohol, you can lose belly fat and improve your overall health.

Start by setting realistic goals and making small, sustainable routine changes. Stay motivated by reminding yourself of the benefits of a healthy weight, such as increased energy, improved mood, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. Remember, every positive change is a step towards a healthier, happier you.


Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall health and well-being. One important factor to consider is testosterone levels, which can have a significant impact on body composition.

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in muscle growth and fat distribution. When testosterone levels are low, men may experience a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in body fat levels, making it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight. In addition, low testosterone levels have also been linked to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Not only that, but low testosterone levels are also associated with other health issues such as decreased bone density, decreased sex drive, and fatigue.

However, by engaging in regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, managing stress levels, and getting enough sleep, men can support healthy testosterone levels and achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Not only will this improve their physical health, but it can also boost confidence and overall quality of life. Start prioritising your health today and take control of your testosterone levels to ensure optimal health and well-being.

A man eats vegetables

“One day you will wake up, and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.” The time is now!

Paulo Coelho

Discovery Call

The complimentary discovery call offers a no-obligation phone or Zoom call lasting up to 15 minutes, allowing you to explore the services provided and decide if they align with your needs.

During this free call, the dietitian will address your concerns, answer your questions, and discuss your objectives. This is an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with the dietitian and their approach while determining if they can assist you. All information shared remains confidential. If you choose to proceed, the dietitian will book your initial consultation, but there's no pressure for you to do so. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, don't hesitate to make that free call today!

An overweight man calls a dietitian to inquire about weight loss treatments

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